The World Through My Eyes

The World Through My Eyes: A collection of essays, reflections and thoughts about men, sex, love, relationships, politics, friendships, nudism, current events, social concerns, humanitarian issues, religion and all those wonderful experiences that constitute life as seen and felt by me: a thirty-something Deaf Gay man of mixed racial heritage (half-black, half-white) living in the Virginia Beach area of the United States. A scrapbook of my life. I've been a confirmed Gay nudist for the past 20 years (since puberty). Sometimes, we just need to step back and chill and try not to be so serious and tense. Life is short, stand up and get into it!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Tree Porn

One of my holiday traditions on nekkidfurryboi blog is to post an article featuring men having sex (what else is new?) with the image reflecting the abstract shape of a Christmas Tree. An erotic and fun way to welcome the holiday season. Pictures like this have always fascinated me, long before I even entered the world of blogging.
All it takes is a little effort on the part of your imagination. Look at the photos with the tip of the tree at the top and then follow a vague outline of the tree as it expands outward while going downward. After all, keep the yuletide gay, right? Homoerotica at its' best during the ho-ho-ho time of the year!

The picture above is one of my favorites. It shows my current cock-throb and heart-throb porn great, Trap Boyy, offering up his ass in a joy-ride celebrating the season of giving. Give it up for the needy, Trap Boyy bay-bee! Although we're both essentially bottoms, I do admire Trap Boyy's skills in taking some dick! 

1 comment:

iama{GAY}tkeeper said...

I don't have to look hard :-)