The World Through My Eyes

The World Through My Eyes: A collection of essays, reflections and thoughts about men, sex, love, relationships, politics, friendships, nudism, current events, social concerns, humanitarian issues, religion and all those wonderful experiences that constitute life as seen and felt by me: a thirty-something Deaf Gay man of mixed racial heritage (half-black, half-white) living in the Virginia Beach area of the United States. A scrapbook of my life. I've been a confirmed Gay nudist for the past 20 years (since puberty). Sometimes, we just need to step back and chill and try not to be so serious and tense. Life is short, stand up and get into it!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Desperate Lies!

The November, 2010, mid-term elections are barely two months from now. The radical, extremist, right-wing fanatics are frantically spewing forth lies and innuendos in an attempt to discredit President Obama in particular and the Democrats in general. Exactly how far they'll go with this smear campaign is any one's guess. Given their propensity for hatred and exclusion, I expect they'll soon scrap the bottom of the barrel. After all, they seem to be able to produce enough lunatics who are more than willing to open their mouths and talk trash before and to anyone willing to listen.

Last night, while waiting patiently in the checkout line in the supermarket, I glanced over the headlines of the tabloids on display. "President Obama Is Muslim," "Obama's Muslim Secret," and "Obama Converts To Islam" are a sampling of the titles. WTF? Is there no decency in journalism anymore? Who in the hell do they think they're fooling? Do they really expect people to pay for this shit? I could only shake my head in disgust and resist the urge to grab all the copies polluting my vision and rip them to shreds.

First, did they completely forget that President Obama took the Oath of Office as president not once but twice, both times swearing on the same Bible used by Abraham Lincoln?  If he were indeed a Muslim, he would have performed this duty using the Qu'ran, not the Bible. As our President, he has been publically seen actively worshipping in various Christian churches. How do they explain that fact? What about all the uproar and controversy surrounding the Reverend Wright and his membership in that church during the election campaign? Back then they criticized him for having Reverend Wright as his spiritual advisor. Why would a Muslim need a Christian pastor as a religious counselor? How stupid do they think we all are?

Second, if President Obama is a Muslim, so what? The Constitution separates church from state and there is no law requiring the president to be a Christian. They want us all to think that Islamic extremists represent all the Muslim peoples when in fact, they are a small minority. The overwhelming majority of the followers of Islam are peaceful, law-abiding and tolerant. Islamic extremists are more like the right-wing Christian extremists than either group want to admit.

Stupid is as stupid does. There apparently is no shortage of stupid in either extremist group.

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